Internally we can provide vacuuming, dusting, high level cleaning and light bulb replacement services, as well as carpet cleaning and window cleaning.
For internal vacuuming we prefer to use battery operated vacuum back-packs which are ideal in these circumstances for several reasons:
1. Dirt and dust is physically removed rather than just pushed around and made airborne again
2. Battery operated backpacks are quieter than electric ones and do not have the noise or emissions that petrol powered ones have
3. There are no electrical cables that could cause a trip hazard, especially important when working in confined areas and on staircases
4. They are multi purpose and can be quickly adapted to vacuum high level areas, walls and frames etc
5. They offer a much faster and more efficient work method
And a major advantage is that an extraction method such as this eradicates the need for ‘heavy’ mopping and therefore reduces the risk of slips and falls all too often associated with the mopping of hard floors.
For internal mopping we use 'bucketless' systems. There is no over-wetting of the floor as the liquid is released on demand from a trigger system and no buckets are left lying around
which the cleaner would constantly be going back and forth to and would cause a potential trip hazard to people on site. As a result safety and efficiency are greatly enhanced
while at the same time reducing labour time and effort.
We're happy to give you advice and prepare an individual offer to suit your requirements. Give us a call on 01270 253862 or use our contact form.